Monday, July 12, 2010

Creation. life and death

I believe that the earth was created spiritually before it was created physically, and that it was created over six periods of time out of material that already existed.
Adam and Eve entered the Garden of Eden in an immortal state, but by eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil a physical change took place in their bodies, causing them to be mortal. As mortal beings they were able to have children and death became a part of life.
The Fall was a part of God's plan and was necessary for our eternal progression. As mortals we live in a probationary state--a time to prepare to meet God, to repent, to learn to love and serve one another. In 1 Corinthians 15:22 it is very clear: As in Adam all die, so in Christ all may live again.
The way for us to overcome death and to return to our Heavenly Father was planned from the beginning when Christ offered himself as a sinless sacrifice and an example that we can follow.
We are not punished because of the Fall, in fact it is a blessing to us from a loving Father who knows our imperfections.
I am an imperfect follower of Jesus Christ, trying to listen and do better!

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