Thursday, October 9, 2008

6 word sentences

The preying mantis lays her eggs:
Janelle gave Mike a book for his birthday. It contained only 6 word sentences. We found it again yesterday. Oh my. You can't imagine what happened. We had to write a thank you note:

Hi Janelle, this is your sis.

We cleaned the bookroom yesterday afternoon.

Mike found his sixtieth birthday book.

He read it again, every word.

All our converstions have six words.

It's so great to be sixty!

You should only use five . . .

That's what 50 is like.

But, you'll never see 50 again.

Life keeps getting better and better.

Does your body ache all over?

Oh, it will--I Promise you.

Soon you'll need large print documents.

Bifocals may soon follow; so sorry.

Hair color fades, facial hair sprouts.

And your hearing? What about that?

Well, we've had lots of fun.

Now I will give the message:

In just 25 words or less:

“These things are important: temple marriage,

mission, college. Press on, set goals,

write history, take pictures twice a year.”

Hope you all enjoyed General Conference!!

Enough already. Have a great night.
Mike and Karen

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