Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oh deer!

Untrimmed mesquites vs trimmed mesquites. Kind of hard to make a case for the bushy look when you can see the difference right in front of your eyes. It does require some weed pulling too. Hi Ho Hi Ho. . .

Anyone can see that a blue fountain is much nicer than a regular old stone insides fountain. Note the pruned pomegranate bush growing into a tree on the right side.

I went out to trim Mesquites this morning and I came face to face with a deer--a doe actually. Unfortunately I had a saw and a pair of clippers in my hands rather than a camera, so no picture. But, on the other hand, fortunately for me, those were just the tools I needed to trim up the mesquites which are constantly trying to grow into bushes, and which I am constantly trying to reshape into trees. Kind of like life isn't it. I can just get so comfortable in my little bushy world, but no--we have to keep growing up into something bigger and better. Enough tree philosophy. Chao, chao.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That fountain looks very inviting indeed, like you could sit on it all day and relax...nice job!