Monday, April 27, 2009

To Market, to market to buy a fat pig. . . .

Living on the border I should have known that when I was as sick as a dog two weeks ago and only wanted to crawl into the covers and die, I must have had Swine Flu. I knew I didn't have the flu because I had had my flu shot, but I couldn't think of anything else that would make me ache all over, feel like I had a really high fever, and that my head was about to explode. Luckily I recovered and now that I am once more thinking clearly I realized that I may have had the very first case of Swine Flu, but am now invincible.

Isn't that great?? All those antibodies. I guess I can go anywhere without fear. Just to test the theory I went across the border today, bought a metal zipper to fix my purse for all of 22 cents and came home. Everyone who lives in Nogales Sonora was wearing a face mask. The tourists were easy to spot--they had faces.

I did see the scariest person ever while there--an oldish gringo man who was either bald or had completely shaved his head and then tatooed his head black. I mean all black, no skin showing on the back, and black on the face with blue and red lines strategicly placed under the eyes and on the cheeks. Then he had let his pure white beard grow out about 1/2 an inch so you could see his black tatooedness under this weird white hair on his chin. His neck was just regular old pale man color. I think it may have been the devil loose right there in Nogales.

I am telling you, I sometimes talk to strangers on the street, But not this guy. Uh-uh, no way. There is stranger and then there is strangest. The shop girl and I were in complete agreement. Spooky.


plain jane said...

Come on, Mom! You're invincible. You could have talked to him ... and you really should have taken pictures of him!!

When are you going to post garden pictures? I'm dying to see if anything I planted has sprouted.

Maunderer said...

Maybe I misunderstand this - you had a CONFIRMED case of pig flu?