Saturday, November 7, 2009

Cruz Roja

Don't you think Cruz Roja could be a character in a book. Really she is the Red Cross.
Mike and I both donated blood last night. When they stuck the needle into my vein blood spurted onto the red cross worker--Miss Roja--, onto the table, and all over my nicest huipil blouse from Oaxaca. I knew I shouldn't have worn a shirt to donate blood. But, what is one to do. The poor Ms Cruz was very apologetic.
I said, No worries, I can clean blood out of white cotton no problemo. (I figured why should both of us worry about my ruined shirt.)
Fortunately that turned out to be true--the cleaning blood out part. And now my shirt is once again bright white and beautiful (except for the colorful embrodery, which was always beautiful and not blood stained.)
I am sorry I do not have a picture, let alone a before and after picture. But believe me, it was not a pretty sight. I think several people waiting in line may have gotten up and left the building! Including Elvis.

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