Tuesday, December 28, 2010

II. more grim fairy tales

Another favorite was the Grinch. I personalized stories--depending if it was a son or a daughter the child who with all good intentions wandered away from the safety of the house and yard, was either a boy or a girl. And of course once they were away from the house, on the edge of the woods, the Grinch snatched them up before they even had a chance to see him.(Evil lurks!)

The world can be a scary place, and only by keeping their wits about them, controlling the fear and panic, and thinking back to advice and counsel from the past could the child outwit the Grinch and make it back home alive. It wasn't an easy thing to do, but in the end the child not only outwitted, but also bested the Grinch every time and made it home, while knowing that danger stood just outside the door.

But those were meta messages.
And, in the end everyone was happy to be safely home.

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