Oh What a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day . . . .
Thank heavens I don't live in Australia where there is a constant war with jack rabbits. I have been chasing cottontails out of the yard. I got up early, picked a bag of tomatoes and a bag of broccoli. Then I set to work cutting and wiring chicken wire to the sides, bottoms, edges--you name it--of the gates and entrances to the yard. The rabbit war continues, but so far this year, the garden is definitely winning.
I made a big pan of brownies before I went to work on the rabbit-proofing. When they were done baking, I boxed them up and mailed them to Graham. I should have just sent him the postage--he could have gotten himself an expensive meal. But it was fun to make a care package. Don't tell. It's a surprise! (The fancy dinner anyway)
I read that the Post Office may be next to get the ax. I say go for it, although in Rio Rico, we don't have many alternatives--really, none. I just think the PO is pricing itself out of business. Oh well. Better to order on line with free shipping (I started to put free shopping, I think that would be great too!) except for home made cookies.
I traded my neighbor whose yard looks like a tropical paradise, a bunch of empty plastic planters for a new grape vine and 3 tropical plants from Nayarit. I hope I can keep them alive! The grape vine is already planted and I actually made wells around both vines and a canal between them. Maybe this time I can keep two grape vines alive. We shall see.
I think the monsoon is here. The humidity certainly is.
Chao chao. All for now. Have a great day.
Chao chao. Have a good day all.
Where the - is my care package!?
And mine!? You know I love brownies. He he.
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