Saturday, September 6, 2008

How do you move a tortoise?

Did you know that tortoises are very territorial? They like their own space. They measure out their own space, pace it off, and defend it from intruders. Yes, the Tortoise Wars are real. But, when you move or decide to send the tortoises off on vacation, say to Disneyland, they become very disoriented.
When we brought Fred and Wilma home it took them a year to pace off the backyard and really feel at home. It took them a year to mate even. I mean that is disorientation. Unfortunately Wilma died before we moved down here. We added 5 more tortoises to Fred's area to keep him company--including 2 females--but he has never recovered. He hates all the intrusive tortoises who are trying to share his space. And he weighs over a hundred pounds. . .
Oh well. After five years here I thought he would adjust. Do you know a tortoise therapist?

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