Thursday, February 19, 2009

And now for Sagittarius

Michael and Charlie are both Sagittarius. Obviously--they are as different as two peas in a pod. I mean look at the peas closely and you will see that they are nothing alike.
Sagittarius Nov 22-Dec 21
Don't ever let anyone tell you that classical guitar is for pansies. I got stuck in a freight elevator once in an abandoned building in downtown Almeria with all these guitar students, and dudes just opened up their cases and started playing crazy, centrapuntal, baroque sh--. And they had wine and cheese and olives. Look past the obvious Sagittarius and it'll get you drunk.

Hmmm. I don't get this one myself and I can only recommend staying out of those abandoned buildings. As for the getting drunk, I think you're all well past that, no matter what the stars seem to think.

Speaking of stars look for the new comet--greenish, east southeastern sky. Only comet ever to be traveling backwards--in the opposite direction of the planetary orbits. Now there is something actually interesting.

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