Saturday, July 18, 2009

Notes to myself as I read

Contemplating Isaiah

“Why should ye be stricken any more?
. . .the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it;
but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores;
they have not been closed, neither bound up,
neither mollified with ointment.”
Isaiah 1: 5-6

When you hurt yourself , break the skin, or are cut deeply the first thing you do is to clean the wound.
Why, even when it is painful to do so, do you clean and scrub the injury? Why do you cover and protect the torn flesh?
Because you know that to heal properly dirt, bacteria, and filthiness must be removed.
Sometimes, if left unclean, as an injury scabs over it fills with pus.
Pus is formed by the body’s internal defensive system, as it surrounds and isolates
Those foreign elements which may cause great harm to the body.
So, the scab must be lifted, the injury drained and washed, and healing salve applied.
Again, this may cause pain, but we do it because we know it is necessary.
We do not hesitate because we understand the importance of healing our body.

Why then, when in the course of life we suffer spiritual wounds, breaks with the spirit, deep cuts—
surrounded by the impurities of sin and missteps—are we reluctant to take those steps necessary for proper healing?
The first thing to do is to clean the wound;
Remove ourselves from impurities, wash and purify the spirit so that healing can begin.
Our spirit works within us to protect and guide us, to incapacitate and isolate those elements that would bring us to destruction.
And so, we must lift the scabs, drain the pus and be clean.

Just as with a physical break, to heal spiritually we may need outside help—
The fellowship of others seeking to walk in the ways of the Lord,
The counsel of inspired leaders, the strength found in renewing our covenants as we contemplate and partake of the sacrament.

Prayer offers us healing balm leading to repentance; cleansing, comforting, healing the spirit.
Scripture study, like a clean bandage, protects tender feelings, bringing comfort and wholeness
as we grow in strength.
Finally, none of us can become truly whole until we turn to the Great Physician,
Even Jesus Christ,
Turn to Him. Seek His love and support which never fails. His arm is stretched out still.
Repentance and healing are always possible, and with the Saviour there are no scars.

“Wash ye, make ye clean; learn to do well.
Come now and let us reason together saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow.”

Isaiah 1: 16-18

What more could we ask for?

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