Saturday, August 16, 2008

The family eccentric

". . . in the real world everybody's family is strange, in one way or another. On average, families are pretty much alike, but in detail, every family does things that make people from outside the family shake their heads and wonder how any of the children emerged with their sanity.

Well--do any of us? Or don't we all carry around in us bits of madness acquired from our families? This does not mean families are bad--on the contrary, those who have no families merely carry around the madness of strangers. The fact is that everyone has an odd upbringing, with plenty of triggers leading to eccentricity (at least) or serious neuroses--or worse."

(OS Card)

If this quote doesn't apply to you please ignore the above!!

Isn't it great to know that we are all normal and just like everybody else after all. Except for me--I think I am the perfectly normal exception that proves the rule??!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when will you go online?