Sunday, July 13, 2008


Charlie, Leslie, and Cierra met us in Madera Canyon last night. It was pouring rain in Rio Rico, but Megan and I drove up to the high spot behind our house where we could get a good look at Elephant's Head and it was cloud free. So off we went. I was surprised by how many black lights and mercury vapor lights were shining on all sides as we drove up the canyon. We went up nearly to the top and set up in the picnic grounds next to a couple looking for a solitary spot--I guess we ruined that for them. As soon as we started up the generator and plugged in our bright llights they were gone! Moths flew in immediately, followed by our famous "popcorns", clicks, and then Chrsysina! I had forgotten how gorgeous the gloriosa and the beyeri are. I had forgotten about the clicks with firefly eyes. I had almost forgotten about sitting around in the dark, misty night, laughing and joking--relaxation punctuated by sudden jumps to catch the imcoming fliers. It was really fun. Leslie and Cierra were a little tentative about handling bugs, but I think they are on the way to becoming collectors!

1 comment:

plain jane said...

I'm soooooooo ugly!!


Ha ha ha.

I had a wonderful time visiting. I wish I could have stayed longer. I also wish I knew what to do with the beetles now. Do you think I could sell them?